miOne's fave
metallic blue iPod mini in lime skin!
card/ gift designing & the creative likes
rainbow & rain
pink & fluffy ~ the "lian" side to me
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Speaking of basic courtesy.. when one's speaking, you don't chit chat among self. And even if you don't like what you are listening (chances are the Inner Voice in you is speaking, and you don't like it… Human’s Reaction:: Shut up and I'll shut down), don't distract others. Give others the due respect if you want others to respect you. Respect those whom God has place you under authority with.. ~ a lil grieveances of mine..
~~~~ Ha.. Huiming told me that she dreamt of me last nite.. and I was married!! Gal.. u see my hubby?? Any chances that he resemble the following: strawberry or kiwi?? Ming, btw kiwi is just a passing fancy.. hahaa.. and blueberry is something of a history but I still like it , as a fruit for my digestive system. To someone:: and u may not know it I just can't bring myself to talk to you before cg.. and I refused to talk to you properly.. I'm sorry.. I don't know what come over me but I just don't feel like it.. perhaps cuz you ignored me?
Thurs/ Friday
Reached home at stroke of midnight. Talked to lian for close to 2 hours.. It was really amazing how both of us while talking to each other, was actually talking to ourselves. It was like Holy Spirit taking an alternative route to remind us/ “rebuke” us for the things He wanted to tell us but didn’t have the chance to, either we are too busy for Him or we rush through things. Things just happen and you may not know why you did certain thing but ha.. ALL things occurred according to God’s timing, you may not know the reason now, but when time is right, it will come as a revelation…
Friday (proper)
I raised a couple of eyebrows this morning… I raised my voice @ one of the officer “in-training” that I’ve to work approve her work. Her place up in the hierarchy was much higher than me. .well her designation was Principal Tax Auditor while I was a mere Senior Tax Auditor. Reason for my outburst: Two weeks ago, I told her verbally to remind/inform her that she was to complete the cases untouched (but supplied in Jan, and due in April) left behind by the previous officer. She was actually informed previously by my manager (our big boss) that she was to take over the previous officer’s unprocessed cases. However, she seemed oblivious that she need to take on the cases that was formerly supplied to the previous officer while in his former team. (either she was not informed or choose to live in denial that since the record sheet indicated another name, it was not under her "custody")
I guessed she was still new to the fact that she need to “report” to a more junior officer.. (she was formerly an manager in her old branch, but not doing audit but more operational work ~ as some might like to term it ~ using her “eye-power”). She had been transferred to the division for a year now but she still ask some very “interesting” questions, and if given a choice, to stick to the traditional practices/ SOP in her old branch. Well, you can’t put new wine in old wineskin ya?
Anyway, I was rather agitated to find that these cases were undealt with despite my verbal reminder, and one of the TP called another officer to find out on the status. So I asked her to do it and I causally mentioned that “ I thought I’d asked you two weeks ago?” Guess what’s her reply..” I was waiting for your email to confirm on that.. “ (yes, I did said I would follow up by email but I did tell her before hand.. and being in the organization for close to two decades ~ I’m only here like 3yrs+ ~ she should have the SENSE/ Responsiveness to take the initiative to deal with the case.. ) Anyway, due to sheer frustration @ her unresponsive/indifferent attitude, I raised my voice and ha.. I gave my other colleague a shock. (she asked me to take it easy! I supposed not many seen this side of me here. .I would choose to deal with diplomatically..but..)
So, follow up by the email to apologize for the delay to inform what was required of her.. and apologize to her personally for raising my voice (though it sounded feeble and she didn't seem to want to acknowledge it… well I did my part, if she doesn't want to forgive me.. too bad)
DAy ended better cuz I went for my my hair treatment and trimmed my hair.. and tien texted me!! :) was just thinking of her on THurs.. wonder how she was.. (cuz she rarely respond to my sms..) yay.. meeting her this sun... looking forward to catch up with her.. (ha.. when i told her that I might be in suntec area in the early afternoon.. she asked if I was still attending chc.. hahhaha... I knew wat's on her mind.. ha... nah.. roots are already entrenched in chc!! )
princessmIone lalala @*
1:31:00 AM