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Sunday, November 07, 2004
Long time never do IQ quiz le.. think it was in P6.. after the PSLE results.. to see if qualify for gifted scheme.. haha my command of english not up to standard (though i was sure i did rather well at the other 2 papers..maths and the reasoning portion)!
easily made it thrU uni? haha.. i made it.. 3 years ago.. (not my greatest acheivement though... I think my greatest achievement was still the 3 days rOund s'pOre canOeing expedition during Jc1 ~ in attempt to get the youth award thingy ah.. but me no do social work... hahaha didn't get it eventually~ but it was fUn & memOrable.. hUiming.. agree? haha.. ) bUt i believe that my suCcess not determined by my intelligence quotient.. heehee.. it had already been mapped out in God's blueprint...
okie.. it's 15 min to 4am.. i better sleep...
princessmIone lalala @*
3:45:00 AM